We want to invite you to become part of something new and different during this year’s convention in Amelia Island. Best of all, it’s free!
This year, we’re offering convention attendees the opportunity to become Student Ambassadors as well. There are only a limited number of student ambassadorships available.
What is a Student Ambassador?
Simply put, a Student Ambassador is a GPhA member who volunteers to extend a warm welcome to pharmacy students attending the Georgia Pharmacy Convention, answers any questions they may have, perhaps offers an invitation for students to attend events like the general sessions, PharmPAC dinner, President’s Bash, etc., with them, and is generally tasked with making students attending the convention feel welcome.
How will students know I’m a Student Ambassador?
In addition to the duties outlined above, Student Ambassadors are asked to wear a special button (the GPhA logo) each day throughout convention that students will be told to seek out should they have questions.
How will I be able to identify students?
As part of their registration, pharmacy students attending the convention will be given a special button (see below) to wear during the convention. When someone wearing a student pin approaches you, introduce yourself and assist the student by answering their question. Thank the student for attending and if appropriate, tell them a little about yourself, your role in pharmacy and take a moment to learn something about that student as well. If they are going to the same event you are, perhaps offer to have them sit with you or take a moment to introduce them to other members attending.
Why the need for Student Ambassadors?
In talking to students, we learned that one of the major reasons they do not attend convention is they feel intimidated. It is all too easy for the years to erase the memories from us of attending events in places we did not know, surrounded by people we did not know, and people whose names we knew as pharmacy icons in the state and even national levels. The idea of Student Ambassadors is to have someone there to erase that fear from students, so they will be encouraged to attend in the future and tell their peers about the great experience they had and the warm welcome they received at the convention.
Why the increased commitment to pharmacy students?
Today’s pharmacy student represents tomorrow’s GPhA pharmacist member. We must do a better job building the student/GPhA membership bridge with students and recent graduates in order to grow GPhA membership overall.
What do I need to do if I want to volunteer?
It’s simple. Just let Diane Coleman know you want to volunteer. Her e-mail address is dcoleman@gpha.org or call her at (404) 419-8173